



Advertising only works if it’s MEMORABLE…

Do you know the real reason Congress outlawed the use of radio and television to advertise cigarettes back in 1971?

Because the advertising was sooooo effective.

Especially the Jingles, which used rhyming slogans coupled with catchy music. The use of that Sound was so intrusive, so invasive, and so irresistible, Congress banned it for advertising cigarettes.

Which tells you a little bit about how effective the right Sound can be for your advertising. If your business needs Memorable Advertising, you need great sound… And we can help you.

Please give the audio a few moments to load after clicking PLAY (these are large files!)…

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ByrdWerks Prod Service Demo #3

ByrdWerks Prod Service Demo #2

ByrdWerks Prod Service Demo #1

ByrdWerks Prod Retail Demo #2

ByrdWerks Prod Retail Demo #1

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